Saturday, October 6, 2012

parkrun #13

Distance: 5k
Time: 21:14(pb)

It's been a few weeks since I pb'd parkrun and while I wasn't too concerned about it, it is always nice to get the text and e-mail on a Saturday afternoon congratulating me on one.

I've been doing some interval sessions on Wednesday nights. Not something I've really enjoyed doing but I think they helped today.

Set off like a rocket with the fastest kilometer I remember doing, a 3:55, granted most of the first k at Oldham parkrun is all down hill! After chugging up the hill in a 4:32 things sorted themselves out with two 4:17's and I 4:15.

I think the interval work came into play at the end; but I should also thank Simon for the call to sprint earlier than I may have normally done. I usually wait till I'm on the flat straight before "dropping the hammer" for the finish but this week I got the shout to go for it coming down the hill from the Woodland Walk. It paid dividends shaving twenty seconds off my pb.

I like a good stat so I've had a look at my parkrun times since I started back on 23rd June. My first parkrun gave me a time of 25:04, dropping just under four minutes in thirteen events is no bad going.

Hopefully I'll be doing a bit of parkrun tourism in the next few weeks; York and Huddersfield are both on the cards.York is one I'm looking forward to as it's flat and fast course!

At least my thirteenth parkrun wasn't unlucky (sorry, you knew it was going to be in there somewhere)

1 comment:

  1. Like your blog Dan, I run the Oldham Parkrun to, so can can see you've done well to get your time down to 21.14 in only four months, it's a tough course. I started running it on the 8th September this year and bar one week where i had a cold have been every week and keep getting better with every race, must be the hills. I started off at 24.17 and am now down to 22.24, my aim is to get below 20 minutes, granted this is a tall order at Alexandra Park (60m net climb). I think i might pop down to Platt Fields Parkrun once I get down to 21-ish which is very flat and on average 2 minutes quicker when you look at the median times. I use the two large boulders by the ponds as waypoints to pace myself, when you pass them the first time it is roughly 1km and the second time is circa 2.5km, although the first km as you say is mostly downhill.

    Keep up with the running (and blogging).

